Our first week on the road for The Ride WA Screening Tour

We've had a good start to the screening tour, but we need your support to help make this a success!

Our screenings last week included Coorow, Three Springs, Dongara, Geraldton, Northampton, Kalbarri and Carnarvon - and our next stop is Exmouth.

We've met some fantastic people at the screening events to date, all of who seem to have enjoyed the screening and Q&A sessions, but we need the help of local communities to encourage more people to attend the screenings to help us promote the principles of 'Count Me In' and the importance of road safety here in WA.

Support on Facebook has been great; we've had 80 new page likes since starting the tour, and we do recognise that this too contributes towards sharing our message and making people aware of what we are doing.


We'd like to thank everybody so far who has attended or helped to organised a screening in the first 7 towns we've visited, and we hope you will tell your friends, family, and work colleagues about The Ride to help improve their understanding of life with a disability.

We'd also love to hear your feedback so we can post this on our Facebook page to encourage others to attend when we hold a screening in their town.

You can send your comments to feedback@theridemoviescreeningtour.org, or go directly to our Facebook page and post on there, using the hashtag #TheRideMovie.

Another way to help is by encouraging friends in our upcoming communities to attend their local screening.

A recommendation from a trusted friend is by far the best form of advertising!

So thank you again for the support to date, and we look forward to starting the second week of the tour in Exmouth tonight.

Winner, South Australia Screen Awards Nominated for best editing in Documentary 2013 Australian Screen Editors Guild

Audience Reactions

An emotional and uplifting film that will make you laugh and cry. Don't miss it!

A feel good movie

Thank you so much. Awareness and candidness was amazing

The courage these men have shown is truly inspirational

Powerful road safety messages

Dr Soames Job, road safety expert